Welcome to littleguts! My name is Veronica, I am a mother of 2, wife, and attorney.  I am the mommy of a very special boy, Nathaniel, who was diagnosed with a developmental delay in January 2018 and has experienced incredible healing in very little time through gut health and early intervention.   When I first started this journey I didn’t know where to start, what services or tools to use.  So I researched in every spare minute I had.  Every medical appointment felt unproductive and cookie cutter, meanwhile precious months flew by.  No one mentioned healing at any of these appointments.  I knew there had to be another way.  I started working with Nathaniel immediately after our D-day (diagnosis day).  In these short months, I have pulled Nate out of the little world he was in and he has gone from being nonverbal to speaking in sentences.  This blog was my roadmap, and is meant to give every parent a roadmap to healing their child’s developmental delay.  From supplements that healed Nate’s gut and protect his brain so it can develop healthily, to the actual interventions I use still to get him through all the milestones he missed, this blog covers it all.  You don’t have to feel powerless in the face of a diagnosis, you can do something right now.  This blog is for you and your child.  Happy healing!